In June 2013, we discussed Flourishing children - childhood, nature and community. What are the implications, possibilities and responsibilities for converting discussion to practical action?
Wanting the best for our children is an assumed shared principle for parents and all adults, at least in the culture I come from.
How do we make this work for children in our own environment, and how do we see this in the context of the lives of children elsewhere, such as those facing death, terror and deprivation in situations such as the present civil war in Syria? Or in contexts such as some in sub-Saharan Africa where statistics are cited of a girl child being more likely to die in childbirth than to complete primary education?
The international community signed up to Millenium Development Goals,, including goals relating to maternal health, child mortality and univeral primary education. How do we see ourselves, and our children, taking these forward post-2015, as related to those in our own environment in UK, and, as Global citizens, as regards children around the world?
Any thoughts?
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