Having lived at Ardtornish and in Morvern for twenty five years or more, you might wonder what my problem is with this – I don’t have to share my space with too many people. Wrong, I think. Although Morvern has one of the lowest population densities of any community in Britain (around 320 residents spread over around 250 square miles), the community which shares this space is far larger. We, in Morvern, share our space with: absentee landowners, outside business interests in farming, forestry, fish farming, tourism, mining, renewable energy, sporting, wildlife and others; visitors who come regularly or occasionally, by land or sea; those connected to the land through their ancestry and those who are connected to Morvern through virtual space – be it reading a newspaper or following us on the internet. And that is only the humans – what about the myriad of other species of plant and animal, with whom we share this space. My hope for the forthcoming Andrew Raven Trust weekend is that you can help me sort this all out for the better.
Shared Space
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